
Unusual Case of Pleural Effusion-Not Everything is Tuberculosis. EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 7.10 (2018): 741-743

Post Date: November 24, 2021

Abstract Pleural effusion is a common disease entity in a country like India. A majority of the cases relate to Tuberculosis or Malignancy. Varied causes of Pleural effusion are reported in literature. Drug induced pleural effusion is a rare and important cause of pleural effusion. It is difficult to diagnose as there is no definitive diagnostic tool. Drug induced pleural effusion is diagnosed by ruling out common causes of pleural effusion along with having a strong suspicion of an offending drug causing the disease entity. We here present a very rare case of drug induced pleural effusion caused due to Valproic acid which was earlier treated a as Tubercular pleural effusion. Keywords: Pleural effusion; Tuberculosis; Valproic Acid